Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday Mani/Pedi Musings - the Ice Water Adventure

Good morning! 
So last night, in keeping with my schedule, was mani/pedi night. Yay!
Last week's manicure actually held up pretty well. 
This was a Pinterest inspired manicure I attempted. The actual Pinterest colors were a little more subtle and sophisticated but I like how it turned out. And let's face it...when it comes to style I am neither subtle nor sophisticated (as evidenced by the fact that I still own and wear crocs...they're cute than they sound and still really comfy!)

But I digress...oh yeah...manicures. So last night was mani/pedi night and I decided to go turquoise. I bought this color last spring after seeing it all over Pinterest and I fell in love. I call this manicure "hoping that if it doesn't snow again then at least we get spring weather soon"...a bit of a mouthful so for short ill just call it "turquoise with polka dots"

Please ignore the fact that I can't seem to color inside the lines. 
So also last night I conducted a Pinterest experiment. I found a site on Pinterest with a bunch of methods that all claimed to cure your nail polish quickly (http://m.wikihow.com/Dry-Nail-Polish-Quickly). My main problem is that I paint them and then go to sleep 4-5 hour later only to wake up with waffle print nails or worse smudges. According to the website if you soak wet nails in cold water for 5 minutes or ice water for 3 minutes it will cure your polish. In the past I've tried cold waster for three minutes. Apparently I can't read instructions. Needless to say I still woke up with waffle print. So yesterday I went intense...ice water for 5 minutes. 

By the time I took the picture (about 4.5 min) my fingers were burning bc it was so cold. But it seemed to work. 
This morning was bitter sweet though...there was still some waffling. Granted, it was the least waffling I've yet seen, but it was still there (waffle waffle waffle). 

Does anyone have a good solution to the waffle? 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what waffle is but how did you get that sweet aperture blending in the Daisy picture??
