Saturday, April 20, 2013

Something I Thought I'd Never Do

My Boy and I went on a pretty crazy adventure today thanks to his dad...
Last month my Boy's dad gave him a pretty cool birthday present. My Boy has always been interested in airplanes so when his dad got him a flying lesson for his birthday this year he was beyond thrilled! I, on the other hand, was extremely nervous. Although small planes are cool they can also be very dangerous and I tend to ere on the "better safe than sorry" side of life. When we got up this morning and drove out to the airport I was secretly a bit of a nervous wreck. I came along to the lesson in hopes that they would let me stand off to the side somewhere and take pictures (and that somehow me being there saying a flurry of silent prayers would keep my boy safe). I fully anticipated one of two situations: (1) that they would say I could stand off to the side somewhere so I could take pictures as long as I didn't interfere with the lesson, or (2) they would say I'd have to wait in the office or in the car. When we got there and checked in for the lesson I was definitely not anticipating scenario number (3) that they would offer me the opportunity to sit in on the lesson and hop in the plane to go along for the ride. My first reaction was No No No! And then the instructor said "it's a once in a lifetime opportunity". For some reason this morning that really hit me. 
So twenty minutes later...

Pushing the plane out of the hangar

My Boy flying a plane! 

 Taxiing to the runway

 In the air! 

Coming in for a landing

Back on the ground safe and sound! 
What a crazy experience! There were a couple times I grabbed the bottom of my seat with white knuckles and I was definitely nervous when we were taking off but My Boy did great! It was a really smooth flight and definitely worth a try. Also... I got to wear this sweet headset! 




  1. So much fun, glad you decided to hop in the back seat!

  2. You're so precious. And brave!
